Friday, March 11, 2011

Jind - Appreciated the budget

Finance Minister Capt Ajay Yadav presented the The budget appreciated by the general public. People say that the budget he was hopeful that many things will discount the finance minister, but by the Finance Minister not putting a good job

City resident Jarnail Singh Danda, Gaurav Deshwal, Arun Kaushik, Dr. Rose Parmar, Jitendra Chahal said the budget will benefit each class, the finance minister is neither new nor some sort of burden imposed by public Put up. People said that the common man's burden put on some finance minister has worked admirably. The The budget of each class of interest is The budget. Not a new tax is imposed on the traders.

He said that education, transport, power boost by increasing the budget finance minister has done a good job. Education budget to rise to the common man will benefit from. Government policies by taking advantage of poor children will be able to receive higher education. 

Sunday, January 2, 2011

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Rani Talab, Jind
Jind News and Update
J­I­N­­D: Haryan­a J­an­hi­t Con­gre­ss (B­L) supr­emo­­ Kuld­eep Bish­n­oi ha­s­ a­ccus­e­d the­ rul­i­ng Co­ngre­s­s­ o­f i­ndul­gi­ng i­n c­orruption­ an­­d­ d­oi­n­­g n­­ot­hi­n­­g t­o b­r­i­n­­g b­ack t­he b­lack mon­­ey­ d­eposi­t­ed­ i­n­­ for­ei­gn­­ b­an­­ks.
Addres­s­in­­g a “M­ahas­angram­” ra­l­l­y­ o­rga­n­i­s­e­d a­t the­ HUDA­ gro­un­ds­ he­re­ o­n­ the­ co­mpl­e­ti­o­n­ o­f thre­e­ y­e­a­rs­ o­f the­ ra­i­s­i­n­g o­f hi­s­ pa­rty­ o­n­ Thurs­da­y­, Bi­s­hn­o­i­ a­l­s­o­ cha­rge­d l­e­a­de­r o­f the­ o­ppo­s­i­ti­o­n­ O­m Pra­ka­s­h Cha­uta­l­a­ wi­th fa­i­l­ure­ to­-ra­i­s­e­ the­ i­s­s­ue­s­ o­f co­mmo­n­ pe­o­pl­e­.
Askin­g­ ch­ie­f min­is­te­r­ Bh­upin­de­r­ S­in­gh­ H­o­o­da­ to­ s­c­rap­ the S­tate Teac­her Eli­gi­bi­li­ty­ Tes­t, res­ol­ve the S­Y­L­ c­an­al­ an­d HBL­ c­han­n­el­ i­s­s­ues­, ac­qui­re l­an­d on­l­y­ at m­arket rates­, an­d p­ay­ atten­ti­on­ to the i­s­s­ues­ of­ em­p­l­oy­ees­, traders­, f­arm­ers­ an­d other s­ec­ti­on­s­ of­ s­oc­i­ety­, Bi­s­hn­oi­ s­ai­d i­f­ the govern­m­en­t f­ai­l­ed to del­i­ver on­ thes­e s­ugges­ti­on­s­, the HJC­ woul­d f­ul­f­i­l­l­ the p­rom­i­s­es­ i­f­ gi­ven­ a c­han­c­e to f­orm­ the n­ex­t govern­m­en­t.
Addre­ssing t­h­ousands of p­art­ic­ip­ant­s wh­o h­ad arriv­e­d’ for t­h­e­ ral­l­y­ from­­ al­l­ ov­e­r H­ary­ana, Bish­noi l­aunc­h­e­d an at­t­ac­k on C­on­­gre­ss p­re­side­n­­t Son­­ia Gan­­dh­i too, say­i­n­­g the party­ had­ won­­ the parli­amen­­tary­ electi­on­­ i­n­­ the n­­ame of “a am­ aad­m­i­” but had­ d­one nothing­ for the welfare of the c­om­­m­­on m­­an.
Th­e­ C­o­­ngre­s­s­ h­ad pro­­mis­e­d to­­ bring bac­k Rs­ 2, 80,000 c­ro­­re­ bl­ac­k mo­­ne­y fro­­m fo­­re­ign banks­, h­e­ s­aid, but no­­t ac­te­d o­­n it. In fac­t, me­mbe­rs­ o­­f th­e­ UP­A go­­ve­rnme­nt­ w­er­e ind­u­lg­ing­ in sca­nd­a­ls su­ch a­s the CW­G, 2G­ spe­c­t­rum­, A­d­ra­sh So­­ci­et­y and S­EZ­, he added.

The area in which the Jind district lies formed an integral part of Kurukshetra in the traditional geographical account. It derived its name after Jainti, an ancient tirtha mentioned in the Mahabharata and the Padma Purana, founded in honor of Jainti, the goddess of victory. According to a local tradition, the goddess was invoked by the Pandavas for victory in the battle against the Kauravas.

          The antiquity of the district is established on the basis of the discovery of the Pre-Harappan, the Late-Harappan and the Painted Grey Ware pottery at various places from the district and the mention of its tirthas in the Puranas corroborates it.

          The district was first occupied by a pre-Harappan Chalcolitic agricultural community whose pottery has been recovered from a number of places such as Anta, Morkhi, Beri Khera (tahsil Safidon); Balu, Hatho, Rani Ran (Bata), Pahlwan, Dhakal (tahsil Narwana); Birbaraban, Barsana,  Pauli, Karsola (tahsil Jind), etc. It is not yet possible to state from where these people had moved here or to throw much light on their socio-economic life. However, on the basis of the evidence of the nearby pre-Harappan sites like Mitathal (Bhiwani district), Siswal, Banwali and Rakhigarhi (Hisar district), it may be stated that these people possibly lived in mud brick and thatched roof houses, used wheel-made pottery, terracotta and copper-made objects.

          Ritauli, Birbaraban, Pauli (Jind tahsil), and Balu (Narwana tahsil) have yielded pottery of the mature Harappan culture.